OCR text
~~ Departamento de Biologia Vegetal (Botanica) Universidad de Murcia (Espafia) | Barbula calycina Schwagr. ISOTYPE of Barbula hookeri Steud., Nomencl. Bot. 4 4 | 2: 72, 1824. : ; 2 Ee | 4 Juan A. Jiménez 2012 | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH co ee MIT OOPTTIONe E00049220 } ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN UN * =e ’ \ ly \{ = E SS = / = ’ ( ; pS \ v c Lt ¥ 4 OTrret Torta bar bela fo! Steud, vosa Hook. Sone Bet. D.G. Long Set. (298 rs “5 iss cca hy gin ROYAL BOTANIC 9 10 3] copyright reserved
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