OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00675950 MEXICO No. 2563 SIERRA MADRE ORIENTAL ACALYPHA SUBVISCIDA Wats. Herbaceous perennial amongst low thorny shrubs, 1$ mi. ne. Dulces Nombres, Alt. 1850 m. Du.ces Nomsres, NUEVO LEON, and just east of border into TAMAULIPAS, 254 N., 99.5° - 100.5° W. ou June 18, 1948 Collected by F. G. Meyer and D. J. Rocrrs for the MISSOURI BOTANICAL GARDEN INTOOOOTHAT NOTCH ONTTTIT Ss iv = < o ” 4 Pd os Da ‘= Poy a. ° iS)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet