OCR text
ROYAL SORA: Eonnnan wn « Ex Reet BC eg} J ZL 6 Jun. 1851. a . .. a I Srvegea. Vigor. (gues S77 ra brian Jt 19) on Naf, cotanh FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED, ROYAL SS SINUNG ee ml ees: ® dir: UNS aasit Ik From the Hert erbarium ¢ e late Gen, WM, Mu NRO, C.B, I Oye ril, 1880, eed, of ieee: fle 02) Codes! aS y e a Koa rhe xX, fly bareveMar Gb We Jap. a re L me ba LA oy Wigs A cesen 21 Petes ‘ Li als ff, > o Muroceano, prope Letuan, ROYAL BDINeL ease ROYAL epne ne oe ili | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN inl =“ | | oe fecg Y "cee, — Jo Balle ROYAL spac oan nonin) ATMEL NTI EN dg wean te a et ag ine f So rnd: ROYAL EDINE NS. an Roan ln. D) aay, HOS WU a | y \ " Waa o Berea Alaiig MinDh fo, 30g. Ae. f Llag COR eS OOD C kad feta 0B Bendis eae ss tare Ay copyright as
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet