OCR text
ROYAL epne ne oe ili | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN inl =“ | | ROYAL SORA: Eonnnan wn Ex Reeno ¢ oS n | Muroceano, prope Zetuan, ae pas Y "eee. = 6 Jun. 1851. Je Balla \ = * 4 \ . ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | , , , of | e cack ee, Nn ra brian Jt 19) on Naf, cotanh ATMEL NTI EN copyright a FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. PRESENTED, ROYAL SS SINUNG ee ml A 4, > Ms Abana ghiais and tool Cleitheos Podge” From the Hert erbarium ¢ e late Gen, WM, Mu NRO, CB, I Oye ril, 1880, har now nseeiveee wee et ag ine f So rnd: ROYAL EDINE NS. an Roan en D) aay, HOS WU a | y \ oe ~ merea Alaiig Mint f, tg. Az /. n eeye iy a yk. fly bareveMar GSI feton! 7 e F 7 t / <i Ne Chenavas ste Va aot Fy, ***. (ertaseun, Pecan, | foxes Beer ec, feta 0B Bendis eae ss tare Ay
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet