OCR text
: : Hunt, Esq., British Cc Piacre SVnfdet ae Jae 4G > Boe ve. Wi: : os bt lien Bu Fc Aiea lett (i barwtr i. Shar. Mansy HOEY Ail J ] flite ¢ Fa J FROM THE HERBARIUM, ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. | PRESENTED. ae \) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ROYAL eos ao *,? ROYAL a 2 GARDEN | 2 je i EX HERBARIO FLORAD ILLYRICA®, jh, Us Da Wax ene 9 aw ' / Le di OAL aty TY Brat AD Arb) Comm. M. Tommasini, LATOR ATT ) rs) Us copyright reserved 6 mI 3 ne aa] a a Ss 2 , i J 30% iba x MA eceee we Communicated from th Ww e Island of St. Michael, by T.C, lin the Azores, 1846 Aiace Chalets eh. April, 1880, J}/90. From the Herbarium of the late Gen, Wm. MUNRO, C.B. | BOTANICaL SOCIETY or LONDON, a IP, frleh ta fe c Sooke GiARLLMA. Oe Marth J. wt, Irth State FG. Bet foo yg ee Sy sit ego ee aS ie Lot pA UPL eae (A Mille (14 oF, tet AW, Foc «
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet