OCR text
an HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.8. PRESENTED BY HIS TRUSTEES, 1891. rout, Kayptiaed afoul Keun ect Z BUWs pier CU A UU F Lapua opalid L. Z| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Z, poli ear WyMara”- frye RIAN ee Kixanmcam , bp: cy, . & ( \ | | | LM Partio SG i FY, 00666673 ere 4- ee in Qa Ee [--7-e} copyright ES aT HERBARIUM OF JOHN BALL, F.R.S. PRESENTED BY HIS TrustEEs, 1891. | Flora Cyrenaica. ease Gates ee ' ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | Benghasi: EDINBURGH Wh | — E00369936 1883 G. Ruhmer. Approbavit | ESRD SCE ERAN M. Dogan \GS\ |
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet