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Graverkosest. is \ ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00668845 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. | copyright reserved Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Dioscoreaceae Tacca chantrieri André Living collection info.: Brownless, Peter No. 413 07 OCT 2013 Accession number & Qualifier: 19951575*A G56 Wet Tropics Herbaceous greenhouse plant to 100 cm. Leaves green, dull below. Seed heads greenish/brown, terminal of 8 each 5 x 2 cm clusters with 2 bracts. i RBG Edinburgh: Associated material: DNA sample (NY); RBGE Desiderata No 1631*1 : Grown on from original wild collection: Reid, Allister & Fernie, John 18 with CHINA: Yunnan: Xishuangbanna Dai Aut. Pref.: Xi : « Xishuan Mengla Nature Reserve. Growing beside a stream Me ene canopy, in heavy shade. ca 550 m. Sheet 2 of 2 01 MAR 1995
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet