OCR text
w i ‘ ( PP Dia Ve “ Le ; Ie UEP Herb. Francis (Buchanan) Hamilton, M.D., F.R.S. [Presented to Universiry or Epinzuren, 1830.] Original Number. (OX j ° ° 4 , Name, etc., from Dr. H.’s MS. Catalogue. Yeh Li 2 Dp Mb ge 4 2A BE L£BVY ee ei | Yo ae / thane nifAd— Ad le Zin bantu bt AME 6 Wire thes 14 Mb ee 3 Mbt Cae fied Z Z < Danae tippr bette Vi Det. D. G. Long dy /987 BMeprk, 9 Me ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Oy QU lepidotum Wall. Conf. J. Cullen, 1970 Rhods doncbron SKairopalgiot |) | Viti bendron Lo W~ Sern - Bheinyrohale & Arensy etoias fad /3/p & me} Q | aa c= (om ” | o = | wen) a conta 2 ‘= Pa) (om fe) o a es wll
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