OCR text
| ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Hl E00687353 | HERB. HORT. EDINB. THE HERBARIUM DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND MICROBIOLOGY KUWAIT UNIVERSITY Flora of South Yemen (PDRY) 16614b. Anticharis glandulosa Aschers. det. S.Collenette & L.Boulos, Kew, 30 July 1987 Lahij Governorate: 40-48 km north of Lahij town, along the road to Dhala, north of Jebel Marif, alluvial soil, alt. 650 m. 9.June 1987 Collectors: EB. Boulos, ALK. Rowaished, A.N. Gifri, W.A. Saeed & M.A. Hussein xo} cy) Pad — A) ” 4 eed aon 3 — ) a fe) [S) M0@QQ589
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