OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. | copyright reserved | Ho plantago abbiar (, + Det. C . Abay Au(mlo3 : ie | THE HERBARIUM UNIVERSITY OF KUWAIT | | oo N DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND MICROBIOLOGY Flora of Kuwait FOR. flantaze Vonauen: Paassln: & Pe + i aly, A. Bona, een burph (95° St a a 77 km SW of Kuwait City, along the wester i | Saudi Arabia, depressions fy runoff, a Altitude: 220 m; 29° 15°N, 4715 | 21 February 1985 leg. L. Boulos and R, Al-Hasan YAL BOTANIC GARDEN DINBURGH | | wi 1 00692565
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