OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. ine} Se Si 06 [o---) gel as Bey Pr o=| copyright reserved (antapo Q bh tans pe. Co Avhay At (nlo3 FLORA OF UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Plantago ciliata Desf. NE Emirates: 3 km N of Shwayb, c. 45 km N of Al Ain. 24°35°N 55 49'R, Fixed dunes with patches of Acacia and scrub. Subjected to flooding in Feb./ March. Annual. Up to 15 cm. Common in this area and hills to E and N. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ae ae | | EDINBURGH <a ; ; II E00692558 Date 20 v 82 | | r R. Western No 159
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