OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. Seen for FLORA OF ARABIA A-G-Mitter R.A. King QO. v, (AS? Yecgulen omer. Fuss.) brs. Det. 7.4.lar ne Gas THE HERBARIUM DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY AND MICROBIOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF KUWAIT xo) o Pa - ) n cd) = ad ca Do = Py a ° oO Flora of Kuwatt (S50 2: Spergu aria marina (L. ) Griseb. ole. k Bonles, Eclonburph O85 Al-Khiran, southern coastal L , h area, near the frontier with Saudi Arabia » calcareous sandstone, Altitude: 10 m; 28°40’N, 48°20’E ROYAL eotee cance 7 March 1985 | ED! | | leg. L. Boulos and R, Al-Hasan E00686681
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