OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00653395 HERB. HORT, EDINB. is ATION Ta Th 3 ra > te ® m7 2 all = =) cy > | roy ° a) ISOTYPE of Comapy laspedmutun.... occidemtalua..Bisc ; ae Blumea.. 521.) 6.....0B EX NATIONAAL HERBARIUM NEDERLAND WAGENINGEN UNIVERSITY BRANCH (WAG) Collected by: R.M.A.P. Haegens no. 106 d.d.: 6 December 1993 With: X.M. van der Burgt _—_ Ochnaceae Campylospermum occidentalis Biss. Det: P. Bissiengou 1 October 2012 Isotype of Campylospermum occidentalis Biss. GABON, OGOQUE-MARITIME, Rabi-Kounga, 4.5km on road to Divangui. 1°54'S, 9°55'E Alt: 30m Tree, height 2m. Leaves papery, green. Sepals and petals yellow.
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