OCR text
ROYAL Eau ep RDEN HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF CAMBODIA Plantaginaceae Adenosma bracteosa Bonati Det. by: M.F. Newman, 29 Jan. 2013 Small herb in wheel tracks on forest road, in full sun. Crushed leaves smelling strongly of thyme. Bracts light green. Corolla tube bluish-violet, lobes paler, especially in throat. Koh Kong Province, Thma Baing District, Russei Chrum Commune, Veal Kandevech Coordinates: 11° 43'20" N103° 27' 1"E Altitude: 402 m Collectors: M. F. Newman, Ly Viboth and A. J. Droop Collection number: 2495 Collection date: 8 May 2012 Distribution of duplicates: E, P, RUPP Please communicate new determinations to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Meee@323 copyright reserved
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