OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. SM TO , Approbavit GS tophs! 7/496 {2 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH uy FLORA OF THAILAND Herbarium, Faculty of Pharmacy, Chiang Mai University Chiang Mai, Thailand CONVOLVULACEAE FAMILY s Common Name: Zpomoea alba L. BOTANICAL NAME; copyright reserved GuLANG Mat District: send, ame Ban Gang Bahn Dew, Mee Nae Subdistrict, along Highway 107 art next Location: the Bing River Province: 25 November 1989 400 Dafe : dois axons rests; grant tea Elevation: su, disturbed Tledaiae ticket, waite Habitat; shale bedrock vines stems ani inflorescexce axes igit gree: al taming slightly Ne@tifnis h; sap thin, whites sepals green; ccmlle tube end lobes in bud yellowe : H green; mature lobes bright w'ite with ye llovegreen midpetaline areas ou teide, ee whitish inside; anthers, filaments, style viltish, stigmas white; immature capae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN _ £ <_ ules Wight green; blades dark green above, ligh t ‘a4 Wagan SARI oseses 82 we Monet Athan ey ee |
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