OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00639582 | HOLOTYPE HERR unp Monb. HORT. EDINB, Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Ericaceae Rhododendron leucogigas Sleumer 'Hunstein's Secret’ ; \ Living collection info.: < an shaw et Q Conlon, Tony No. C426 CAM.C) H ; 07 FEB 2013 , Accession number & Qualifier: 20080343*A P10 Research Collection : Potted shrub, tubular to funnel (trumpet) shaped white flowers with pink blush on tube and pink at base of lobes (7 petals), anthers all around corolla. Scented. (4 flowers per umbel). Pukeiti Rhodo. Garden: xe) cd) = — co i) cy = od xo Se = > a fe) (3)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet