OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. litiolintiuly coe o Pe tJ o n 2 ed £ 4 a >| a oe oO Cultivated Plants Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh Ericaceae Rhododendron gardenia Schitr. Determined by: George C. Argent 16-May-11 Living collection info.: Argent, George C.G. No. 27-Apr-11 Accession number & Qualifier: 20061101*A P10 Research Collection Flowers white 7 lobed with purple spots at base of lobes, tubes green at the base flushed orange / pink distally. Strongly sweetly scented. (aff. gardenia but no epidermal tubercles check live plant) Annal, E: ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN : Eke P EDINBURGH Grown on from original wild collection: Sleumer, H. Seed originally from Sleumer, grown by Frank Doleshy who E00639533 gave a plant to Bovees Nursery who gave a plant to George Argent vie Eric Annal.
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet