OCR text
PLANTAE ROCKIANAE Expedition of the University of California Botanical Garden to Southwestern China, Plants of Yunnan Rhododendron sp, (y07 OuAby MAPA, q v Shrub 3 feet, q lowers ? . Alpine region above forests, Altitude 14,000 feet, 5 . Lao-chun shan, southwest of Shi-ku and the Yangtze. a % 6 Joseph F. Rock, No. - “ 25406 November 1932 R. vo xtanum var. <ucullatam Bal/.). QF. rer) t f Cedi 1974, A Det. D.F. Chamberlain EN YAL BOTANIC GARD pa EDINBURGH | il) E£00633068 | | rhe ca at] ors mao 3 es EB a copyright reserved
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