OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00629876 HERB. HORT. EDINB, Arn tort gma Mmonanthum (Finet) Ithltr, per. 294 le Plants of the Gaoligong Shan Region, Yunnan, China Orchidaceae 7 : A Orchis ~ a Fugong Xian, Lumadeng Xiang. Yaping Cun, S of Yaping Yakou in a cirque with a small lake in the bottom, just below the border with Myanmar, E side of Gaoligong Shan. Elev. 3620-3710 m SE facing 0-10° slope. 27° 12? 22 N98 V4) 53eE Meadow. Undisturbed. Meadow around lake with steep boulder covered hillside covered mostly with perennial herbs leading up to the ridge. Terrestrial orchid. Sepals pink with purplish specks on inner surface of lower lip. Anthers blackish purple. Common. Growing on open slopes near lake margin In humus on granite. Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 27124, 12 August 2005 Participants: Li Heng, Dao Zhiling, Ji Yunheng, Liu Benxi & Tang Anjun (KUN); B. Bartholomew & Lihua Zhou (CAS); Jin-Hyub Paik & S. A. Crutchley (E) ro] cd) > | +e Cy n © & pw ~ c= f°] = ae a a a
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