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HERB. HORT. EDINB. a 0 Ww 2g Q g = ROYAL ony Wite fs] copyright reserved = a eee = ed S 6 7 r FLORA OF BELIZE Coll No: TL4 Date: 25/03/2001 Canna sp. CANNACEAE a ca =) a: Be 1 0) cm Det: Description: Herb to 2.3m; 4cm dbh; flowers orang to red; immature fruits green ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN | wii | | Locality: Chiquibul Forest Researve, Monkey Ta E00 NH | Branch. (c. 16’44”N., 88’59”W) 0 619626 Coll: T. Lai, A. Forrest, D. Collins, S. Bridgewater
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet