OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN in E£00146833 HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0589 copyright reserved "y ee ene DPrele Det. 17 Chen be Carn oe 06 Flora of the Gaoligong Shan (China) Ericaceae Rhododendron China: Yunnan: Nujiang Lisu Aut a Gongshan Drung-Nu Aut. Co.: Teck pu i Oj Towards Dulongjiang (3000m Up to 3750m) Qi Boulder field in degraded open fore A Abies and Larix. 3400 m. st with 27°41 SOUN, 98°27 525" a Shrub to 1m. Gaoligong Shan Expedition 1996 No 7754 ES Oct 1996 1996 Royal Botanic Garde i : : n Ed ROGRENG -Laeta cate of Botany oe Te S96)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet