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HERB. HORT. EDINB. i Bsa 19499491 % ex-rite e ‘% WOzZE a) Seer Pn or a7 Red) Plants of Qinghai, China Umbelliferae Acronema chinense H. Wolff var. chinense Det: Sheh Meng-lan, Pan Ze-hui & Mark F. Watson 9/1997 copyright reserved Yushu Xian, Xiao Surmang Xiang: between Jérikug and the Xizang border. Elev. 3550-3650 m 32° 6’ N, 97° 16° E West side of valley with heavily grazed alpine meadow; slopes with patches of dwarf Picea likiangensis woodland on steeper rockier slopes, some collecting done in gullies with streams. Erect perennial to 40 cm from small globose tuber; in N fruit. Growing in semi shaded moist earth bank near stream. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH | | T. N. Ho (HNWP), B. Bartholomew (CAS), M. Watson (B) HCeneee and M. Gilbert (MO at BM) 2266, 24 August 1996
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