OCR text
ie SISSVID BED RELIED Ne xrite = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH PRESENTED BY Ki J. R. REID, Esq, C.1.E. 8 March 1904. 5 re , a) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ac | EDINBURGH a pan | tM Al 2 E00623554 4 JD aa \ ; ‘ ‘ . 4 Locality. : LL Ae o @ Me tise ha ADIOYEIYO lOnicatyed fonle Det. LHOUWES- SMITN OCT '0O3 { J i j ] Elevation A Are x Oo Sof a K Time of gathering Cobucovms Mn. Op. med Ex*herb) 0 $0/ Ne... YY dy ee M.A.FARILLE determ. anno 19 o%
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