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HERB. HORT. EDINB. [es HSsa) 19499491 <P aaies ie r r MONTANE FAT ray | | ROYAL EDINBURGH Uy RS) ‘AR xo} i Pa i co on o Cad x of Do} 7 Qa fe) 12) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ON UM Ramon ndwanome Linwdhan FLORA OF BHUTAN — 4 Determinavit M.F. Watson J unk. 1¥ . Acronema UPPER MO CHU DISTRICT: hillside above Laya 28°07! 89°44" \ Ee In turf on open hillside f | Ovi RMAL Mourweln vo Cw n OV, Mp tal Dwarf umbel with young green fruit youll’ dc ate te Ashe. Midabe. Fe (Uap do eld ADAAQZ to f WW. At] . ING eee 19 September 1984 No.8. M.A. FARILLE determ. anno 19.4? I. W. J. Sinctair & D. G. Lone No. 5749
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