OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wi HERB. HORT. EDINB. Flora of the Gaoligong Shan (China) Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirsuta L. China: Yunnan: Nujiang Lisu Aut. Pref.: Lushui Co.: 31km north of Likui, Da Sha Ba. Roadside verge and bank. 890 m. Prostrate herb; leaves purplish; latex white. Gaoligong Shan Expedition 1996 No. 7337 10 Oct 1996 1996 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh and Kunming Institute of Botany (GSE96) (GLGS96) xo o Pa i ® 1) co) tt tt o£ 2) = > 2. ° ce) MQQQAQSGA
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet