OCR text
Bana i Yo 293 vr WZ, forrarenee, en . LiAh lt, Bier be A . og XH (1906) 288. z Ee aes YUN An uth, Pole wih, | Fh ps Qinlee: oe a Q2aZ tort, Zs, bey O~ Sone, soe | Wee Kaw LA ti an Depp, Lr Co Sf Ly t,, el boy - ee ROYAL BOTANC GARDEN 2 gout (58S asa ee gga 3 3} re o m7 o f= oh S D c > roy re) ) Re yunnanense Franchet Det. Je Cullen, 1976. Coty pe ee HERB. MUS. PARIS. LO agg Stem Sch Plantes de CH NI
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