OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. a © wy Lay) © fay) = Plants of Qinghai, China copyright reserved Ericaceae Rhododendron nivale Hook. f. Yushu Xian: Baitang Shan, at the pass between Machang and Shanglaxiu (Doramarkog). Elev. 4540-4670 m - 32° 53’ N, 96° 41 E High pass with alpine meadows at 4540 m and periglacial scree slopes at 4670 m. Shrub to 1 m, rather erect; leaves dark above, pale below, both sides with brown scales; sterile. Growing in alpine meadow among bushes. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN RGH T. N. Ho (HNWP), B. Bartholomew (CAS), M. Watson (E) EDINBU! my ig | Mle (40M) Sh 3 Aaa 5380
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