OCR text
Andro corys graciles feo“? ) LA4,. Sqm an areal wick fracele King & Panthing rev. / det. J. Renz 4 L. EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. CALCUTT. PRESENTED. 1898. Aerh. Hort Bot. Culewtten sis, Pantting's Orehids of ‘the Sékkim Himalaya, We SGF7 1995 Te 4aecle. fae 7 tan eee ae ee Qe alt. JAC oof ; a Ze a J Date ae 1896. Coli R. Pantling. a ie EDINBURGH ahs re} o ra ® 77) oO pa =) = f°) +S > fo} ° 13) ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 000000 Type Specimen Herminium Fale King & fact.
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