OCR text
Meee564 Andro aos : ore ta are (Hook.f) Rene com, nw. bye, ay woke ore oek omnlare bk f se] ro i ® r i Cae F =) . 5 roy ro) 3) rev. / det. J. Renz) 4 19 qs. BX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. CALCUTT. PRESENTED. [ 898, Herb. Hort. Bot. Culcutiensis, wn FUT TTIUN ee a MCL | a. be F : /, : eee" Ubu. Aplie porTeat a : min /parngrng, * ' & | a= it, oe mewn Q ye 189 fe Coll. BR. Paniling. SQN BUS” alt. 7 Late V Oo” 4
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