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Lk hoim i Chtam bi Valley , 350m Daly 1895 a ek ng Me 37%/F) dal, IR) 4.91985. Androcorys pues [ng x fentl) SAIL. rev. / det. J. Renz 7h. 1995 EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. CALCUTT. Presentep. 1898, _ Herb. Hort. Bot. Caleuttensis. rater ee Pamtling’s Orchids of the Sikkim Himalaya, m. B74 | Bs es 1! eA ee ee ae. EDINBURGH Lee 3 ing Date A$ 1895 Coll, R. Pantling, a cers a et ae alte Sees cae ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN copyright reserved
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