OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN \s In Ni Androcerys fracas Ka P \ [Alto m~,) Hefmins amr vaer/e ck antl n fy we J Ve i % Pants. 7 rev. / det. J. Renztk : 19 9s~ FLORA OF BHUTAN Herminium gracile King & Pantl. Forested valley above Chenkaphug. E- of Thimphu 27° 28" 89° 43", Shaded mossy bank in Abies/Juniperus/®hododendron forest. Small herb, fls green. Alt.c. 3450 m 20 July 19 79 Coll. A.J.C. Grierson & D.G. Long No. 2845 copyright reserved t oO wy fav} g g =
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