OCR text
Aortes spathulata [Linde J VerimnBn ; Law Galeere’s Sprthn ota [ivade.) LF. Hunt 1995 rev. / det. J. Renz#.h- 4 HERB. HORT. EDINB. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN min Spleacis scfhelele (Ld) fF ok Det. H.J. Noltie (Ss 4.144% FLORA OF SIKKIM Galearis spathulata (Lindl.) P.F. Hunt SIKKIM, WEST DISTRICT: Dzongri to Mon Lapcha, 27°28/N, 88°10’E Grassy meadow in rhododendron scrub Flowers pale mauve, lip spotted Alt. 3950m 26 July 1992 D.G. LONG, R.J.D. McBEATH, H.J. NOLTIE & M.F. WATSON ESIK No. 737 copyright reserved st oO wn 2g 2 g =
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