OCR text
RARER ON RARE TE NN weaned EX HERB. HORT. BOT. REG. CALCUTT. 6 Presenrep. 1298, Herb. Hort. Bot. Calcuttensis. Puniling’s Urehids of the Sikkum Homage. No. bt’) peber afotliclate Mert. fe. a . Wael isod » oll. RB. Paniling. ai Dd ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Ing Syn: Eulearcs spe fare late (Lindl.) PF Bunt rev. / det. J. Renztd ? 199s. (sf ke} a = fen ® 7) ® fen pe = 2 ho > a ° re) M@00564
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