OCR text
aS sey ees wm ————— Ee \ > 2 ey letailes me L772 Je. BLL ee, t Lut CEd CLLAT (LLC a2d | a Brit 4 j Lelepseerid Sie fo ge 2 : G a fst 7 Pee Za e Sart CF gp 2 tL Leet barn a LAG liwrtzd ger LPFS Gnd SAM fyiyre, (809 Melee, Vv ae Fee. ein a OE 4 a “gg Cte Ct o- foals <m Sere oe ee 22 < bao Limite, Lobel Gut Pgh ws PIES bith Gu Whose A ae oe Z pS Se oe Chetr Se ae hanes glabone thee Le<, atwat, Vretrt 7k ine ACeg a Lita Cecvted . Afee ae ian aed Le, OG, Dee eee ~ 4 [lerdal ferLee 2+Che, terete Ang x loll Seed itll a few Astle? Clee lofi Aedes Tt fac ons OL ee: (Stacls $5 yes GAL PRE AE ola leo fort > a ae Lhe wan,” Ke y / K Pg vies = eo Lh Ler 2aZ2e Ve eee L2f 9 Lite LOL ol lund ae fla feat frsewnith wt wth, Cefo CxO wong bh yellow porte. _ Gttl22e, Lo tory beri CA lp fle fal tu fled sfrecctiing » teal = (1 bte leach - Lfifer ecfhel thing. wile, Rete Ved ee LA Leverton uel a= Beal” Mernrner. [let (le ee eefoal” ee fetta larecotele, Let pada Leia pe ie VfL we foite . ped blidine SL yee 2h lag, 4 Ancol, an he Cir, rb” pale s “td oes a Aeon Uae Lt Cpe NS cfd ne ing 0000 4756 Name, Caugriceain CliteAtéa CLLtd, Tbtard, yo Li 2 lee 6 er Habitat, IZ a Eilaa lpi biiubee Ae Station se Agee ie Date, 2 2 CLL Lie Collector’ Henry Halero Johnston —— Remark, Lhledaten aeoalt ete ee ae * sitions cs mes : == eae ar ; . anaes * eee oe | aot SO aE oes 2 oe | a ree Te ae :e } i a! | 3 yr mae | M@Q@564 | 10 SESS is} 9 copyright reserved ae i 6 aa x} | a 0 i
JOODOIT AON AG UU AUG TTT ara aa Eo00064755 Name, Lng -tetum Cut Zo Céntd Vpowsis OE er ¢ rf pole fe 7H > Galen | oy Pe Jn me Habitat, 4 4 Ki02t” [EL 0. Loe f- Gt La em af ; 7 ae Station, _</21¢ 4 Za JLLé- WY J. E Jf Ged lie Lt fl LDL we 12 02 Date, 2 MN gy AMA a Collector, Henry ‘Halero ore sar Ge Remark, Delatpuld, ae 2S fety, LEG. Galion. ees | Rete ee — iN I i fe Name, ae L 7 a Daget YIZLL a A a CLtd, WZ Veet ind Ls f@ Lee TA . 2 bin, Gf, Habitat, KE a. hawt: Liha fhe” (AEB as Be Station, lineifoer a pees Date, ay : ” pane EL ! _ Collectorf Henry Halcro Johnston ——-—_—— Remark, Ligdiae. il a ee Meee564 xo} o Pa <i cy no cd) Fw aed = 2 = Sy Qa fe) [S)
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet