OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH mug PLU Ui ALDADAA -_ ~~ 4 V 2?Angraecum eburneum Bory West Channels, island to N. of Passe 10n on Petite Magnan, rough champig cliff-edge in mixed scrub of Maytenus, Mystroxylon, Pemphis and Sideroxylon Colonies to im, on rock and old Sideroxylon boles. Fi. spike to 40cn, and green, white spur, no fls white 8 ough pollinia not seed pods seen, alth present on old flowers nH 3 D ooD 4697 4. vis 1972 se) a 2 ® m7 ® Se Pa = =) 3 > row ° tz) Me00564
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