OCR text
mm O71 +t fev) g g = ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH copyright reserved ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH Eo0OoO64 64769 Name, L227 Lit DLANL = SS ee be — (iA c < eZ 1G & oe fe \. Habitat, (zi 4 * al- {EID _ ed Ltr fla oer, | . oe / “ae * ~ . ; ve a Station, ZZ pt ht, ALLA Date, SF hC Ltt Ln LEEE Delitdad lane, 7 Depa / Collector, Henry Halcro Johnston —__— ae See V4 fn 3 : Remark, lipase bull (eerie, Lf frase LE, , 5 ke .
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