OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. MQQ0589 Plants of Qinghai, China : Ericaceae copyright reserved Rhododendron nivale Hook. f. Chindu Xian: valley NE of Xiwu, on the road between Madoi and Yushu. Elev. 3850 m 3317 N, 97 23° E Lower slopes with dense Kobresia dominated turf; steeper upper slopes with open bushland of Salix, Spirea, etc., often with mosses in shade below them. Shrub to 1 m, rather erect; leaves dark above, pale below, both sides with brown scales; sterile. Growing among other shrubs. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH T. N. Ho (HNWP), B. Barthol ‘ ug | i (0 a 18 Anu se E0O006446
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