OCR text
ks” = : | HERB. HORT. EDINB. M@Q0564 , | See cia a eee copyright reserved FLORA OF THE PHILIPPINES Coll. No. 25427 Date: 21 Jan 1998 Family: Orchidaceae Name: Apostasia Blume Collectors: Mendum, M., Argent, G.C.G., Gronk, O., Middleton, sood- 7 Walkie |p Fuentes, R., Chavez, R.V. Locality: Philippines: Palawan: Valley side over ridge from camp two towards camp three on way to Cleopatra Needle. 1000 m. 10°7'N) 118°5s'E. Notes: Common herb to 80cm. Fruit green. Uf Prop roots at base. & ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN / y w UNTIL Associated material: DNA sample (EB) ; £o00196961 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh- Philippine National Herbarium Expedition
Thumbnail image of a herbarium sheet