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HERB. HORT. EDINB. oD 0 wn 2 g g = ROYAL BOTANIC Steonurus Det. (gtr StOVONS (A) 4 te/qgg copyright reserved FLORA OF THE PHILIPPINES Coll Non 25595) Date: 20 Jan 1998 Family: Unknown Name: Unknown dicot Golvectors:! Argent, GiciGr, Crenk, 10-, Mendum, M., Middleton, D.J., Wilkie, P. ‘ Fuentes, R., Chavez, R.V. ‘ Locality: Philippines: Palawan: On ridge towards Cleopatra Needle from camp two. 5409 mo 2OC7T'N, le Se Ee i Notes: Tree to 7m, 12cm dbh. Branches standing out regularly at right angles brown, distinctly flaking off in eae Bark young buds green. Ardisia like swellin a. ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN base af letere| branches g wns UL EO 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh- Philippine National Herbarium Expedition
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