OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 0 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF THE PHILIPPINES Coll. No. 25374 Date: 19 Jan Family: Acanthaceae aa Name: Unknown Acanthaceae Collectors: Argent, G.C.G., Cronk, O. Mendum, M., Middleton, D.J., Wilkie. Fuentes, R., Chavez R.Vv. ae Locality: Philippines: Palawan: Cam towards Cleopatra Needle. 400 m. oo iT8°58 "8. Notes: Herb to 80 cm. Flowers white wi purple mark on lip, bracts pale Gece leaves glossy green above, beneath. eter as dul 1998 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh- Philippine National Herbarium Expedition M@00589 xe) co) Pad a o 77) o + a =] <= oD = > a fe, (e
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