OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. 7 xo} \ 2 3 Pa Be } ‘ 5 77) ® fe v=) | 5 + BRASSICACEAE S Aethionema armenum Boiss. Var. papillosum Bornm. : Determined by Marck Menke, Missouri Botanical Garden (MO) 15 October 2008 bethionema armenum Ross. var papi\iosum Bornm Det. : Ni Acigizel, 1998 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN 00 Eo00061147 FLORA OF TURKEY Aethionema Sivas: Gamlibel gecidi (N of Yildizeli to Tokat): open rocky slopes with Juniperus & Gramimeae: pink Alt. c. 1600 m 25 June 1986 Coll. J.C. Archibald Nos 7567
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