OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN ED E NBURGH | 1 00589572 ROYAL BOTANIC copyright a Universitatis Hebraitge Hlerosolymitange = o>bwsn> rosays OOD INA DIVISIO BOTANICA mp~ia5 apSny FLORA PRGRESTINAE EXSICEATA PRU“ PIN "nay ere 191. Pallenis spinosa (L.) Cass. Dict. Sc. nat. XXXVII (1825), p. 276. Phytogeogr. value: A plant of connection of the Mediterranean and frano-Turanian regions. The ecological requirements of this species in Palestine are almost Mediterranean, and it is probably a species of the sub- Mediter. element rather than a plant of connection of the Me- diter. and Irano-Turanian regions. Without special study in the Irano-Turanian part of its area it is impossible to decide on the matter. A: Ete Jerusalem, Mt. Scopus, 27. Ill. 1931. Leg. 1. Amdursky.
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