OCR text
(7) fe) ae 4 = Ko} i aa bes oO 7) ) Ps (9) a. /\ a “Fas VS nok the. typ of Rue SCE el. ope Fide ? Cullens, 1970 a Rhododendron Doshong La, 10-11, 000 ft. 229 Vi 1924 Undershrub of 12-15 inches forming low clumps with No. 5828. Not yet in flower. In open boggy pastures and lining the torrent. Flowers pale yellow, spotted yellowish greene R. mekongense Franchet var. mekongense Det. J. Cullen, 1976. Kingdon Ward 5829 Field No. oe O 5829 ¥F, K. WARD asa EX HERB: HORT. BOT, REG. KEW. Modeclerctrns, armollocen>, Heoteh . laigdlans bland Wo. S824
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