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HERB. HORT. EDINB, ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Th ED) copyright reserved = is} FLORA OF PERU venae Neagen Seerhmsedhan (Neth) Apurimac: Below Abancay on new road to Chalhuanca. 13°39.94'S, 72°55.78 W. 1900 m alt. vi Seasonally dry InterAndean valley Shrub to 2 m. Corolla white, the tube tinged pinkish. Sweet scent (11.15 am) R.T. Pennington, A.K. Monro, A. Daza 1168 2 Nov 2002 Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh in collaboration with Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina. Funded by UK Darwin Initiative ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH E00567532
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