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x ROYAL eorene GARDEN yr" i iin E004774 The London Catalogue of British Plants, Tenth Edition, No. £ IS * fp * 2 Name. Lbochard MAG, { nnd , Sha Po | : ot lrtlan 2 becles. We “ a Habitat, Leese. 24 ein af hie Seatee Lica, bas & ShaxcK | Height above sea level. eA feet. | ‘Siation: Le Hate Beorssece? Mankind, O4 Pisce, | | Date. 3% Oh ees 32 a | Collector. Henry Halcro Johnston. Remarks. 72<feace » ee Ens te flowy L taucak plasm Alpnat A Ve a Sf aca an fetta» r fOrfirrerce foo. Lo SS? MQ00327 Yonv.WNt te GARDEN EDINBURGH e e copyright reserved
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