OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. POTEET TMU ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH oe copyright reserved Flora of East Nepal Distributed from the University of Tokyo (TI) No 9261137 Rhododendron barbatum Wall. ex G. Don Alt. 3470 m. H=6m, D=16cm; corolla red, with an erect trunk; end of flower. E Nepal: Mechi Zone, Taplejung Distr, Thasa Kharka (3260m) - Mangyangbuk ROYAL orale aaNet (3520m) - lowermost moraine (3840m) - Yangma (4030m). | | 31 May 1992 [27°42'39"N 87°50'15"E - 27°48'36"N 87°52'5"E] £00546564 M Suzuki, N Acharya, S Akiyama, H Koba, S Noshiro & K R Rajbhandari
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