OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. as HES) J9YIIYIIC me x-rite col s (ey AEMTTCNOTHTTTOATITUATH copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Tocantins No. R7913 Annona aurantiaca Barb. Rodr. 46km from Divinopolis on the road to Marianapolis do Tocantins, 9°48’S 49°36’ W. In hydrologic campo cerrado (park savanna) Hemixyle (subshrub). Shoots to 60cm, unbranched. Sepals and petals golden-yellow at anthesis, 4 xi 1997 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN wu Coll: J.A. Ratter, S, Bridgewater & J. Fonséca Filho
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