OCR text
HERB. HORT. EDINB. wu ‘ISS 199994910 DP agi Ks) col i ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN Pd EDINBURGH hn ® on ONO A a £00055784 5 = Roy = FLORA OF BRAZIL ai State of Tocantins a No. R7897 Byrsonima inodorum 8. Moore Vernacular Name: Murici de galinha 21km from Monte Santo on the road to Divinopolis, 9°53’S 49°08’ W, alt. 250m. In a rather damp hollow with clumps of trees and much Curatella americana (species tolerant of a high water table during the rainy season). There is a buritizal nearby. Bushy tree, 5m tall, 15cm dbh. Bark light grey with vertical, rather wavy, fissures below. Flowers yell : 0) Common in area. a 7x 1997 Coll: J.A. Ratter, S. Bridgewater & J. Fonséca Filho
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