OCR text
ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN i 055825 HERB. HORT. EDINB. FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Maranhao No. R7786v Byrsonima sericea DC. Vernacular name: Murici 70 km from Floriano on the road to Balsas (BR 230), 6°32’S 43°31’ W, alt. 430m. In cerradao. Tree, 12m tall, 30cm dbh. Bark corky, fissured into vertical courses of shallow blocks. Same species as R7784. Very abundant in the area. 2 viii 1997 po Rater, 8. Bridgewater & J, Fonséca Filho ft Re x-rite ©) ® > <i co) 7) : — <= Ro = i Ss a ° oO (ere)|
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