OCR text
UERR HORT EDINB. . Ja4I9YI1C (ee)| NINH TNE mit copyright reserved FLORA OF BRAZIL State of Tocantins No. R7988 Annona 55km S of Porangatu on the Brasilia-B elém hi (BR153), 13°50°S 49°03°W, alt. 500 aie m. In campo cerrado. Little-branched slender-stemmed > , sh Petals pale marzipan brown. Tub to 1.5m tall. 15 xi 1997 ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN EDINBURGH ‘ ; i i) , Coll: J.A. Ratter, S. Bridgewater, J. Fonséca p: Ribeiro & C, Proenga. “ca Filho, JR, —£00055476
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